Health, urologist in Noida

When should you visit the Urologist?

Having problems when urinating, such as pain or itching, and noticing blood in the urine can be signs that something is not quite right in your urinary system. Who should you go to solve a possible urine problem? Although not everyone thinks about it from the first moment, the most important thing, especially if your age is over 40, is to see a specialist in the urinary system, that is, a urologist in Noida.

In the case of men, going to the best urologist in Noida is even more important since the urologist not only treats urinary tract problems but is also in charge of preserving male sexual health.

The first visit to the urologist step by step

The first step of the urological consultation is the doctor’s interview with the patient. This part of the first visit to the urologist is divided into two steps. The first is the patient’s medical history, knowing why he goes to the urologist in Ghaziabad and what pathologies he suffers or has suffered, as well as knowing if he is currently taking any relevant medication. Among the data that the doctor will ask you for are your age, the surgeries you have had, if any, your lifestyle, especially in terms of tobacco and alcohol consumption, etc.

The second part of the interview with the best urologist in Ghaziabad is to find out the patient’s family history. This is important because there is a direct relationship between genetics and the appearance of certain pathologies. Obviously, what the specialist will be most interested in is whether there is a urological history in your family, that is, problems related to prostate cancer, hematuria (blood in the urine), urinary lithiasis, incontinence or erectile dysfunction. In the case of women, the urologist will also ask about the history related to the muscles of their pelvic floor such as childbirth, postpartum, abortions, etc.

What is the next step after the interview with the urologist?

The next step in the first visit to the urologist in Greater Noida is the physical examination. When the specialist already knows all the necessary details of the patient’s health and the causes that led him to come to the consultation, it is time to assess him physically.

In the urology consultation, the general examination is mainly based on detecting if there is any urinary infection or renal involvement. However, the urologist also observes and studies the abdomen to rule out masses as well as a bladder balloon. After that, the specialist will also observe how the perineum area is located, the vaginal area in women, especially in search of pelvic organ prolapse, and the scrotal area in men to verify that its size, consistency, and sensitivity are correct.

Finally, the best urologist in Greater Noida will carry out a rectal examination in men focused on assessing the size of the prostate as well as its volume, consistency and sensitivity. This digital rectal examination is especially indicated to rule out the existence of prostate cancer.

Finally, during the first visit to the urologist in Rohini and after the history and examination, some basic tests may be necessary. Among them, the urologist usually requests a flowmetry or urine sediment test where the pH of the urine is analyzed and the presence, if any, of hematuria, bacteria, or leukocytes.

In addition, it is also common to perform a blood test to check the PSA levels in men and creatine (kidney function) of the patient. In addition to these tests, if the doctor considers it necessary, sometimes a urological ultrasound is also performed.

What happens at the end of the urological consultation?

After completing the urological consultation and the tests that have to be carried out, the urologist in Delhi will be in charge of explaining to the patient whether or not a treatment is necessary. There are many treatments and all of them depend on each particular case. For this reason, a personalized and individualized assessment is essential to ensure the most appropriate solution for each patient.


What can be thick sperm and what to do

The consistency of sperm can vary from person to person and throughout life, and it can be thicker in some situations, and in most cases it is not a cause for concern.

The change in sperm consistency can be caused by certain habits, such as changes in diet, physical exercise or consumption of certain substances, such as alcohol or drugs, for example. In addition, infrequent ejaculations can also make the sperm thicker and with greater volume.

However, in some cases, sperm may appear thick for reasons that should be treated or seen by a urologist in Noida, such as some of the following:

1. Hormonal imbalance

Hormonal changes can make sperm thicker, as hormones, such as testosterone, are part of the composition of semen, contributing to the protection of sperm. The person may suspect that the thick sperm is the result of a hormonal change, if other symptoms appear, such as decreased sexual desire, difficulty maintaining an erection, loss of muscle mass or tiredness, for example.

What to do: If the man presents these symptoms, he should go to the best sexologist in Noida, in order to make a diagnosis and the appropriate treatment. In addition, it is also important to eat a balanced diet, practice regular physical exercise and avoid excessive consumption of cigarettes and alcohol. 

2. Infections

Infections in the genital area, especially those caused by bacteria, can make the sperm thicker, due to the increase in white blood cells, which can change the morphology of the sperm and even reduce the sperm volume. Some symptoms that may arise in these cases are difficulty and pain to urinate, presence of a milky discharge and presence of blood in the urine, for example.

What to do: In the presence of these symptoms, it is important to see a urologist in Ghaziabad, who may prescribe antibiotics to treat the infection.

3. Dehydration

Dehydration is also one of the causes of thick sperm, as it is mostly made up of water. If the person is dehydrated, the less fluid and more viscous the sperm will be. A man may suspect dehydration if he has symptoms, such as excessive thirst, dark urine or extreme tiredness, for example.

What to do: To avoid dehydration it is very important to drink fluids throughout the day. It is recommended by sexologist in Delhi to drink around 2 liters of water a day.

4. Changes in the prostate

In its composition, semen contains sperm from the testes, seminal fluid from the seminal vesicles and a small amount of fluid from the prostate. Thus, changes in the functioning of the prostate or seminal vesicles can make the sperm thicker, due to changes in the proteins released to the sperm or changes in the production of seminal fluid.

Some symptoms that can arise in men with prostate problems are painful ejaculation, painful urination and increased frequency of urinating.

What to do: In the presence of these symptoms, you should immediately go to the urologist in Delhi in order to avoid complications.

Health, kidney stone treatment in Noida, urologist in Noida

7 reasons to look for a urologist urgently!

Although we are experiencing a difficult and delicate situation, some diseases and clinical conditions cannot wait for the end of the pandemic. Acute testicular pain and renal colic are examples of often critical situations that require urgent evaluation by the best urologist in Noida.

What does the urologist treat?

First of all, it is important to clarify which organs the urologist in Noida works in.

Although known as a prostate doctor, this specialist takes care of the urinary tract of men and women and the reproductive system of men. Therefore, the urologist treats diseases that affect the kidneys, ureters, bladder, prostate, urethra, penis and testicles.

Among the main diseases of these organs, we have cancers (usual acinar adenocarcinoma of the prostate, testicular cancer (“lump in the testicle”), carcinoma of the kidneys, bladder and others). In addition to these, these organs can be affected by inflammatory and infectious diseases (cystitis, urinary infections, acute prostatitis, sexually transmitted diseases STDs) and benign alterations, such as renal and testicular cysts, hydrocele, pain in the testicles (testicular torsion) among others.

What are the reasons to see a urologist urgently?

When we talk about emergency situations, it is important to know that it is about the need to look for a doctor or health unit for an evaluation in the next few hours or up to 2 days.

So, what are the 7 reasons to see a urologist?

Despite the dramatic situation we are experiencing, during the new coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic, there are some signs and problems that cannot wait, and it may be too late with irreversible loss of the affected organ or important worsening of the condition.

The main reasons to seek an emergency urologist in Ghaziabad are:

  • acute urinary retention
  • Renal colic (ureterolithiasis)
  • Urinary tract infections (cystitis and pyelonephritis)
  • pain in testicles
  • paraphimosis
  • penis fracture
  • Bleeding in the urine (hematuria)

Acute Urinary Retention

Acute urinary retention means difficulty or inability to urinate. Urine is produced but for some reason is unable to be eliminated through the urethra. Urine is formed in the kidneys and stored in the bladder, which is an organ that has a large muscle and is responsible for urination. Acute urinary retention can occur in both sexes, but it affects more men. The reason is the presence of the prostate, an organ that only they have. The normal size of the prostate at age 70 is usually larger than the normal size of the prostate in young adults. In cases of urinary retention, the diagnosis is clinical. Ultrasonography can sometimes aid the diagnosis. In these cases, the MRI of the prostate will not bring more data.

That is, with age, the prostate tends to grow and can become a barrier to the passage of urine from the bladder. In this situation, the patient has pain in the abdomen and an increase in the volume of the belly in the lower part (bladder). If you are faced with this situation, urgent evaluation is necessary for prompt diagnosis and treatment.

Renal colic

The presence of kidney stones can lead to a well-known clinical condition, renal colic. This problem is a symptom manifestation when a kidney stone goes down the ureter canal and gets stuck in the middle, causing a blockage of the urine produced in the kidney, the hydronephrosis. Renal cramps can have many reasons, the most common being the presence of a stone in the ureter (ureterolithiasis). The pain is intense, can lead to vomiting and if it does not improve with medication, urgent assessment should be considered. In some patients, surgery for kidney stone treatment in Noida will be necessary.

Urinary infection

Urine infection is a common problem especially in young women. Lower urinary tract infection, known as cystitis, is clinically easy to identify and simple to treat in most cases. When the patient performs tests, it is possible to identify the bacteria that is causing the problem. Attention should be redoubled when this infection does not resolve or when other symptoms appear, such as fever, low back pain (back pain) and malaise. This picture may be compatible with a kidney infection, acute pyelonephritis. It is a serious problem and requires urgent evaluation for immediate treatment, sometimes requiring hospitalization.

Pain in the testicles (testicular torsion)

The testes are 2 important male organs. They are responsible for man’s virility and fertility, and their main functions are the production of the male hormone (testosterone) and the production of sperm. Testicular pain is common, but acute testicular pain is rare and can be associated with a serious problem: acute testicular torsion. Testicular torsion is more common in childhood and young adults.

We still do not know exactly what the reasons for the predisposition of this problem are. In these affected men, the blood vessels that carry blood to the testicle turn around on their own axis, causing a pause in the organ’s irrigation, which leads to a heart attack or cell death and loss of testicle function. Therefore, severe and acute testicular pain should be taken seriously and need to be evaluated immediately by the best urologist in Ghaziabad.


Phimosis is a common problem that many people know about or have heard of. It is a narrowing of the skin of the penis that makes it difficult or impossible to expose the head of the penis (glans). It is a clinical condition that is often born and can be treated with postectomy, the surgery for phimosis. Paraphimosis is not the same as phimosis and should not be confused. This problem occurs in an acute way, due to an inflammation in the skin of the foreskin, generating a thick ring causing a strangulation of the head of the penis. It presents with intense pain and swelling, especially when not resolved promptly. After the initial evaluation and treatment, the removal of the foreskin (postectomy) should be performed at an opportune time.

Penis fracture

This is an unusual and fortunately rare problem. Although the penis does not have bone in its composition, when it is erect, its musculature is so rigid that when subjected to an intense impact it can tear, which is known as a penis fracture. The main time this can happen is during vigorous intercourse, especially in certain positions during the act. A click is heard and the patient has intense pain, evolving with a soft penis followed by an enormous swelling with a bruise, similar to an eggplant. Prompt evaluation and correction, in most cases surgical, should be done as soon as possible. This prevents the patient from developing erectile dysfunction and other organ changes.

Bleeding in the urine (hematuria)

Any bleeding that comes out of our body is often frightening and a cause for concern. The presence of blood in the urine (hematuria) can represent a number of clinical conditions. In most patients, the main reason is linked to urinary infection or kidney stones. However, bleeding in urine of moderate amount and bright color requires more attention. First, if there are clots, they can block the output of urine causing acute urinary retention. Second, the diagnosis could be bladder cancer or kidney cancer. Then, at the slightest sign of blood in the urine or hematuria, an urgent evaluation by urologist in Greater Noida is necessary.

If you already understand how to behave in the face of the reasons to see an emergency urologist, but still want to know more, be sure to seek more information, contact a urologist in Delhi or go to the emergency room. At this point, despite the guidance to avoid the hospital, there are situations in which following this rule can bring irreversible harm.

kidney stone treatment in Noida, urologist in Noida

Laser Surgery for Kidney Stones: Discover What It Consists of

Kidney stones are a fairly common condition that consists of the formation of solid pieces in said organs due to the accumulation of substances present in the urine. They vary in dimension from the size of a grain of sand to that of a pearl. Although, according to the best urologist in Noida, most kidney stones pass from the body without medical help, they can get stuck in the urinary tract or block the flow of urine resulting in a lot of pain.

Kidney stones are solid pieces of material that form in the kidney due to substances in the urine. It can be as small as a grain of sand or as large as a pearl.

Urine contains many dissolved minerals and salts. When urine has high levels of minerals and salts, hard stones can form that, although they start out small, can get larger and larger.

Some stones remain in the kidney and do not cause major problems, others can travel down the ureter (the tube through which urine passes from the kidney to the bladder). When this happens, the stone is expelled with the urine, however, it can also get stuck in the ureter and block the flow, causing a lot of pain.

There are several possible indicators of kidney stones, including:

  • Extreme pain in the back or side. Said pain won’t go away
  • Blood in the urine
  • Fever and chills
  • vomiting
  • Foul-smelling or cloudy-looking urine
  • Burning sensation when urinating

The causes of kidney stones are not very well defined. A big risk factor is having a low urine volume, something that can be caused by dehydration. Dehydration can result from fluid loss from exercising hard, spending time in very hot places, or not drinking enough fluids. When the urine volume is low, the urine becomes concentrated and cloudy in color causing less fluid to keep the salts dissolved.

Kidney stones can also be caused by a person’s diet, for example a high protein diet can raise acid levels in the body and urine causing calcium oxalate to be high enough to form stones. It is recommended to reduce or avoid the consumption of foods rich in oxalate.

Certain intestinal conditions can also cause the formation of kidney stones, for example diseases that cause diarrhea or some surgeries. Diarrhea in particular can lead to dehydration and reduced urine volumes.

Other possible causes of kidney stones are some types of medication, family history, and some rare hereditary disorders.

In the event of any sign or suspicion of having kidney stones, a urologist in Noida should be consulted for proper assessment. Because many early symptoms of kidney stones are similar to those of other conditions, it is necessary to obtain a diagnosis from a urologist in Greater Noida and follow the proper treatment, something that can only be established in consultation but that can range from medications to surgery.

Treatment Options

There are many options for kidney stone treatment in Noida that can be used when a patient presents stones in the kidneys or any other part of the urinary tract, from the classic open surgery to a new minimally invasive method, specifically laser surgery for stones.

The procedure consists of the application of anesthesia and later, by means of a filament as thin as an optic fiber (known as a ureteroscope), a camera is inserted through the urethra until the stone is found and the stone can be observed on the screen. fires a continuous stream of lasers across its surface until it breaks into smaller pieces. After this procedure is complete, the ureteroscope is removed. The remaining pieces of the stone pass through the urethra naturally when the patient urinates.

Laser surgery for kidney stones makes open surgery virtually obsolete.

The main benefits of laser stone surgery are the following:

  • It allows in most cases to visualize the stone directly and therefore to introduce special instruments such as the holmium laser to break it.
  • It passes through the body’s natural channels and therefore it is not necessary to make incisions in the skin.
  • In many cases it allows to eliminate the calculations in a single session.

Remember that the only person who can assess whether you can undergo minimally invasive surgery is a properly certified specialist urologist in Ghaziabad. Come to our clinic today and schedule a consultation to receive timely and tailored treatment. Get the benefits of efficient, quality and cutting-edge medical services. Dr Shailendra Goel, the best urologist in Ghaziabad, provides each of his patients with personalized attention and treatment, based on international clinical practice guidelines to always guarantee an optimal experience.

Sexologist in Noida, urologist in Noida

Prostate Cancer: Symptoms and Treatment options

Prostate cancer is the second most common type of cancer among men. An international research estimates that there are nearly 2 million cases of newly diagnosed prostate cancer in the world each year. Prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in men in the world, with approximately 100,000 men dying each year.

The prostate is a walnut-sized gland that is located in the male reproductive system in front of the rectum, just below the bladder. It surrounds the urethra, the tube that carries urine from the bladder through the tip of the penis. Also, the nerves responsible for erections are located on both sides of the prostate. The main purpose of the prostate is to produce seminal fluid, which transports sperm during male orgasm. The normal prostate gland is quite small, weighing only about an ounce.

Prostate cancer occurs when a malignant tumor forms in the prostate gland. If left untreated, the cancer can grow and spread beyond the prostate to surrounding tissues and lymph nodes, as well as to distant parts of the body such as the bones, lungs, and liver. 

Risk factor’s

  • Age (most patients are older than 65 years)
  • Family history
  • Diets rich in red meat and high-fat dairy products and low in vegetables and fruits.
  • physical inactivity

The symptoms

  • Frequent urination, especially at night
  • Difficulty starting or holding back urination
  • Weak or unable to urinate
  • pain when urinating
  • painful ejaculation
  • Difficulty having an erection
  • Blood in semen or urine
  • Pain in the lower back, hips, or thighs

Detection and diagnosis

If a patient has multiple symptoms or risk factors, the following tests may diagnose prostate cancer.

  • PSA (prostate-specific antigen): PSA has been used as an indicator of early, potentially curable prostate cancer. Urologist in Ghaziabad can identify patients with undetectable prostate cancers by digital rectal exam with the help of a blood test.
  • Computed Tomography and MRI:  Computed Tomography (CT scan) is a series of detailed images of areas inside the body taken from different angles; the images are created by a computer linked to an x-ray machine. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a procedure that uses radio waves and a powerful magnet linked to a computer to create detailed pictures of areas inside the body. These two tests are used to assess whether the tumor has spread outside the confines of the prostate gland or into the lymph nodes around the prostate.
  • Pelvic lymph node evaluation
  • Radionuclide bone scan: A test used to see if prostate cancer has spread to the bone. This test is used to rule out metastases in the bony structure of the body.

Treatment options

Many factors affect the choice of a prostate cancer treatment in Delhi, including the stage of the cancer, the patient’s age, and general health. 

Traditional surgery is the most common prostate cancer treatment in Noida, particularly for early-stage prostate cancers. By making an incision in the abdomen (radical retropubic prostatectomy) or between the scrotum and anus (radical perineal prostatectomy), the urologist in Noida can remove the entire prostate, including surrounding lymph nodes. Or, in a transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP), the surgeon uses electricity generated at the end of a small instrument to remove just the cancerous portion of the prostate. Loss of bladder control and impotence are common side effects of prostate surgery. 

Robotic Surgery Robotic
Prostatectomy a minimally invasive method of removing the prostate gland through advances in robotics and computer technology. By using the da Vinci robot, the best urologist in Noida has more precision, reducing the risk of incontinence and impotence for patients compared to standard prostate cancer surgery.

If the cancer has spread to nearby lymph nodes, surgery may not be a practical option.

External beam radiation therapy kills cancer cells with intense x-rays directed only at the cancerous growth. With technological advances, particular medical equipment can emit radiation from outside the patient’s body, or radioactive materials can be placed internally in the target area. Patients may receive one or both forms of radiation therapy, depending on the size of the cancer.

Brachytherapy, it is the most advanced method of implanting radioactive seeds. This method uses the latest advances in computer calculation of internal seed placement for maximum effect and minimal side effects. The dose of each seed is customized at the time of surgery to fit the size of the individual prostate gland. In general, side effects of radiation therapy include extreme fatigue, although doctors recommend staying active throughout treatment. Patients may also experience painful or frequent urination, diarrhea, or impotence. External beam radiation often causes hair loss and skin irritations in the treatment area. Meanwhile, internal radiation is less likely to affect erectile function,

Hormone therapy can prevent prostate cancer cells from getting the male hormones they need to grow, even if they have spread to other parts of the body. Although it will not cure prostate cancer, hormone therapy can control it.

In cryotherapy, the prostate is quickly frozen to kill cancer cells. This procedure is done by placing probes into the prostate while the patient is under anesthesia. Survival data suggest that cryotherapy for localized prostate cancer is at least equal to seed implantation or external beam radiation therapy.

Surveillance for a disease process is an accepted alternative for those who wish to avoid or postpone the side effects of other forms of therapy. Good candidates for surveillance have a relatively short life expectancy, based on age and coexisting medical conditions. The disadvantage of surveillance is the risk of subsequent, possibly incurable, disease progression. In addition, surveillance places the patient at risk for complications of disease progression, such as pain, urinary obstruction, pathologic fractures, obstruction of the ureters, and spinal cord compression. Therefore, the option of surveillance must be weighed against the possible disadvantages of stopping treatment.